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TOPIC INTERVIEW: Subtle Intelligence:

Unlocking the Power of Unconscious Perception with Kathi Joy

Discover the captivating world of subtle intelligence, where Kathi shares the topic to the Neuroplastician. Subtle intelligence allows us to perceive patterns and connections that elude reasoning, deeply ingrained within the fabric of consciousness. Learn how adopting a different language and embracing a relaxed state enables us to consciously integrate subtle intelligence into your professional work as a Neuroplastician. By doing so, we unlock greater creativity, gain new insights, and uncover valuable tools. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking podcast episode with Kathi Joy as we dive into the captivating world of subtle intelligence. ✨ �️ Join us for this enlightening podcast episode �✨TOPIC INTERVIEW: Subtle Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Unconscious Perception with Kathi Joy

Are you ready to tap into the hidden power within you and transform your business and personal life? Join us for a groundbreaking workshop that will revolutionize the way you think and make decisions. Discover the science behind Subtle Intelligence and why it's often overlooked in our analytical world.

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